How to create a unified recruiting process with Welcome to the Jungle Solutions ATS πŸ‘Œ

Table of contents

    πŸ’‘ This article will help you address three major issues prior to the adoption of Welcome to the Jungle Solutions ATS by your teams !


    1 - Recruitment steps

    By default Welcome to the Jungle Solutions ATS display a Kanban view / job pipeline where each column represents a stage in your recruitment process. The default stages in the pipeline can be modified globally, or on specific job offers.




    For example, if each application received is subjected to a screening, then a call, then a practical case before a final interview, you will probably have to modify the default columns for all job offers.


    To change the columns in the default candidate pipeline, go to Settings > Candidate Pipeline, accessible by clicking on your company logo in the upper left corner or on the Settings tab.


    2 - The roles given to the recruiters

    Each company has an unlimited number of licenses on Welcome to the Jungle Solutions ATS. This collaborative tool is therefore intended to be open to any recruitment stakeholder as it is extremely easy to get onboard.

    At this point try to think which teams and which collaborators should have a role to play in the recruitment of your teams. You can then invite them in Welcome to the Jungle Solutions ATS and assign them the adequate role based on the actions they will have to perform : who filters resume, who interviews, who analyses candidates, who communicates by email, who takes the decisions...?


    There are 3 different roles within Welcome to the Jungle Solutions ATS:

    1/ Admin: an Admin can do everything in the tool.
    (This role is for the Human Resources Direction, and decision-making roles in the company)

    2/ Single Member: a Single Member can do everything but manage the billing and the accesses for other members.
    (This role is perfect for HR teams and managers)

    3/ Restricted member: a Restricted Member can only access the job pipeline on which she.he is a recruiter, but can neither create a new offer nor edit the content of an existing offer.
    (This role is perfect for managers who work on an ad hoc basis on a given offer)


    πŸ’‘ To add team members, click on this article to learn more. 


    3 - Practices for collaboration between recruiters 

    Very simple to use, WTTJ Solutions ATS encourages exchanges between recruiters within the tool.  It thus allows you to get rid of the traditional exchanges on a resume through email, Slack or phone call on a particular job offer or a candidate, and therefore earn some time.

    We recommend that you establish your filtering strategy and decision on candidates using these different actions.


    Here is an overview of possible actions on the applications:

    • Recommend a candidate or, on the contrary, do not encourage his or her candidacy, with one click.
    • Score every candidate
    • Commenting on an application and asking for some employee's opinion 


    πŸ”Ž Here is a possible unfolding using WTTJ Solutions ATS:

    • All recruiters concerned will give their opinion with a vote for every candidate that arrive in the "New" pipeline of every offers


    • After every interview, recruiters are invited to write a recap of the key points they've  made.


    • They can also evaluate candidates thanks to the evaluations grid based on criteria common to all positions.


    • Before any final decision, the HR manager can question a recruiter about the application, to express his doubts / convictions. 


    ⚠️ To carry out any of these actions click on a card and enter the application.


    Now that you have thought about your recruitment processes, we give you the keys to setting up Welcome to the Jungle Solutions ATS, so that each of your candidates receives equal treatment. 


    πŸ†˜ If you still have questions or doubts, you can contact us via the chat widget on the button right, or via our contact form at this link


    Next ⏩  Treat all your candidates equally